President of the board
Oliver is Full Professor and Director of the Innovation Cluster Space and Aviation of the University of Zurich (UZH Space Hub), specialized in Anatomy, Cell Biology, Immunology and Aerospace Medicine. He is also Professor of Space Medicine (EAH Jena, Germany), Professor of Space Biotechnology (University of Magdeburg, Germany), elected Academician of the International Academy of Astronautics, President of the German Society for Aerospace Medicine, President of the Swiss SkyLab Foundation and initiator and leader of the Swiss Parabolic Flight program. He is recipient of several national and international research and teaching awards and has 18 years of experience as scientific leader of parabolic flight, suborbital ballistic rocket and International Space Station (ISS) missions in the ESA and NASA Space Life Sciences research program. He has a post-graduate diploma in Theology from the Pontifical Lateran University (Rome/Vatican). He is committed to innovation in space and actively supports entrepreneurship and public-private partnerships and is co-founder of four start-up companies. Oliver’s accumulated mission experience is 17 parabolic flight missions, 9 suborbital missions and 9 orbital missions. Oliver has flown more than 1200 parabolas and was more than 7 hours in microgravity in total.